Waalykum assalam,
According to Grand Ayatollah Sayyid al-Sistani (may the Almighty prolong his life):
It is permissible to be photographed by a woman, and to then submit the photo to the specialized employee [in this regard].
According to Grand Ayatollah Sayyid al-Khamenei (may the Almighty prolong his life):
It is not permissible to uncover [that which is obligatory upon the female to cover] in front of a foreign male [i.e. one whom is not permitted to see her without full hijab; al-ajnabi] in order to be photographed unless the photographer is a woman or a mahram [i.e. a person one is never permitted to marry on account of being related to them in a particular way, such as being their parent or sibling], even in the proposed question.
May the Almighty grant you tawfeeq in all of your affairs