Is it permissible for men to wear shorts or similar clothing which end above the knee [in length]?
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brightness_autoWaalykum assalam,
According to Grand Ayatollah Sayyid al-Khamenei (may the Almighty prolong his life):
There is no objection in doing so in and of itself. However, if there is fear of falling into sin or corruption resulting [from wearing such clothing][taratub al-mafsadah] then in such a case doing so is impermissible.
According to Grand Ayatollah Sayyid al-Sistani (may the Almighty prolong his life):
Doing so is not impermissible in and of itself if no other forbidden title [that would have its own ruling]['inwaan muharrum] would result necessarily from it such as bringing about belittlement to oneself [al-tawheen] and the like. It is also not obligatory upon a male to cover the lower half of his body (except for his privates).
May the Almighty grant you tawfeeq in all of your affairs