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Assalamu alaykum,

What is the ruling with regards to raising dogs? 

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1 Answer


Waalaykum assalam,

According to Grand Ayatollah Sayyid al-Khamenei (may the Almighty prolong his life):

Generally speaking, there is no problem in the acquisition of a watchdog, a hunting dog, or a herd dog [al-qatee']. The acquisition of any dog besides those mentioned is disliked [makruh]. And if owning it is considered to be imitating the disbelievers [kuffar], or promoting their culture, or if it creates harm to your neighbours or others, then the aforementioned ownership is not permissible.

According to Grand Ayatollah Sayyid al-Sistani (may the Almighty prolong his life):

It is preferred to take another animal as a pet and not to raise a dog in the house, as a dog is considered to be ritually impure [najis shar'an]. Furthermore, living with it will likely result in affliction with ritual impurity [i.e. the dog will be a cause of the spread of ritual impurity and the difficulties associated with such impurity]. It is also disliked [makruh] for one to pray in a house where there is a dog present. Similarly raising a dog in the home will negatively impact the upbringing of the children with regards to the etiquettes [which they develop].

May the Almighty grant you tawfeeq in all of your affairs

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