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Assalamu alykum,

What is the ruling concerning [the ritual impurity] of huskies?

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1 Answer


Waalykum assalam, 

According to Grand Ayatollah Sayyid al-Khamenei (may the Almighty prolong his life):

Dogs of all types and species are considered ritually impure [najis] regardless of if the dog is born to two dogs or to a wolf and a dog as long as the offspring is considered to be a dog according to the common view ['urf].

According to Grand Ayatollah Sayyid al-Sistani (may the Almighty prolong his life):

Dogs of all types and species are considered ritually impure [najis] regardless of if the dog is born to two dogs or to  a wolf and a dog as long as the offspring is considered to be a dog according to the common view ['urf]. Similarly is the case if the offspring is not considered to be among the animals which are ritually pure [tahir].

May the Almighty grant you tawfeeq in all of your affairs.

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